Monthly Newsletter



Dear Parents/Guardians and Students, 

I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself and express my excitement about working with the students that will make up my homeroom this year.  I love teaching and believe students can grow and develop by examining the issues we cover in class.  It is my expectation that everyone will have an enjoyable year learning.

This year in homeroom, we will be studying the prescribed Language, Mathematics, Physical Education and Health, Social Studies, Information Technology, Art and Music Curriculums.  The Ontario Curriculum, Grade 1 Education Documents outline the learning outcomes for each subject.  These documents can be viewed at

The remainder of Grade 1 curriculum subjects will be taught on rotary.  They and the teachers responsible for their delivery are as follows:

  1. Science – Mrs. Sunshine
  2. Drama and Dance – Mrs. Fun

Class Expectations and Information:

  • Each student is expected to bring their agenda/planner to class every day.  The agenda/planner will be used as a tool to record homework, assignments, reminders and special events.  It will also be used as a form of communication between the school and home.   Feel free to use this book to write any questions or comments you might also have.  In the front of the agenda/planner are two plastic pockets, please put the student’s milk, book, etc., orders in here as well as any notes that you want me to see first thing in the morning.  It should be initialed by the parent/guardian each day to ensure that the information has been read.   
  • A monthly calendar will be sent home to keep you informed of special days and activities. As well, I have a class website which can be accessed for information at
  • Each student will have the opportunity of being a special person for a week, “Star of the Week”.  Please refer to the monthly calendars for your child’s special week.  During their special week, the student will each day have the opportunity of sharing information (important people, significant events, family celebrations, and important places) and/or objects (souvenirs from a trip, keepsake, and special toy) with their teacher and classmates.  This sharing opportunity will allow students to practice their presenting and listening skills in a comfortable environment.
  • Reward systems for positive behaviour will be utilized throughout the year.  Super Kids recognizes individual students while BRAVO recognizes the efforts of teams/groups.  Students will receive Summers’ Bucks (Play Money) for good citizenship and positive behavior through these two systems.  They will be able to exchange these monies at Miss McKenzie’ store for items such as fancy pencils, erasers, gel pens, sharpeners, etc. 
  • Students will need non-marking, white soled running shoes for gym and Quality Daily Physical Activity and will need to wear suitable clothing for gym activities.  These shoes can also be worn as their indoor shoes.
Assignments/projects must be completed on time.  Class time will always be given for assignments/projects.  As such, late assignments/projects are not appropriate without discussion with the teacher or arrangements made for this accommodation.

Tests and assignments will be returned to students and it is expected that the student’s parent/guardian will sign it and return the test or assignment/project on the following day.

Everyone can be successful and achieve their goals in Grade 1. Some tips to follow include:

  • Participate and get involved in class activities and discussions.  Complete all class work on time and with care.
  • Persevere when things become difficult. Ask questions and ask for extra help when needed.

  • Always try your personal best and remember that attitude is a little thing that makes a BIG difference. 

Should you have any concerns or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. My door is always open for extra help.  I am looking forward to a great year!  


Miss McKenzie